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Statement on Trump's Proposed Budget

For immediate release:

Budgeting, far more than the balancing of revenues and expenditures, is an expression of priorities and values.  With the release of the Trump administration’s budget we clearly see that the President’s priorities are the continued protection of the top 1% at the expense of our children and working families.  The Trump budget proposal relies on false economic assumptions while paying for tax cuts on the backs of our most vulnerable populations.

The budget proposal would slash programs for people with disabilities as well as limit the access of senior citizens to medical care and other support services.  If that was not enough, the administration’s budget proposal would severely cut senior programs such as Meals on Wheels, and reduce funding to the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Community Services which provides an energy assistance program for low-income families and seniors.

With cuts to programs that assist the elderly and low-income families the Trump Administration has revealed their utter disdain for the everyday men and women of this country while ensuring that the President’s wealthy golfing buddies will receive massive tax breaks.


Contact: Galen Dobbins,, (916) 319-2047