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California Steps Closer to Creating Commission on Human Rights

For immediate release:

Sacramento – AB 412 introduced by Assembly Majority Leader Eloise Gómez Reyes (D -San Bernardino) that would create the first commission to review the status of human rights in California passed the Assembly Floor and is on its way to the State Senate for further review.

Currently, at the state level, California lacks a government entity that focuses on identifying human right successes and shortcomings. AB 412 establishes the California Commission on Human Rights, an advisory board that would oversee the status of human rights, create regular reports and propose policy solutions so that the human rights of all are met.  

“Ensuring the human rights of all is a critical aspect of government. California is a leader in advancing social justice and the creation of the California Commission on Human Rights aligns with the values of the state.” Majority Leader Reyes continued, “AB 412 creates a means through which we can ensure California examines policies and their impacts with an emphasis guaranteeing human rights for all.”    

"CAIR-CA applauds Majority Leader Reyes and the California Assembly for passing this historic legislation. We are eager to see California shine like the progressive and human rights focused state that it is with the creation of the California Commission on Human Rights and look forward to continued conversation around the importance of human rights as the bill continues on in the California State Senate." - Hussam Ayloush, CAIR-CA CEO.

“With the passage of the California Commission on Human Rights in the California Assembly, we are one step closer to owning our stance as a leader in human rights policy in the U.S. All Californians deserve their rights to be protected, and AB 412 is a big step in ensuring we can do that. We look forward to its passage in the State Senate in the coming months.” – CHIRLA Executive Director, Angelica Salas

“Far too often we see the dignity and humanity of Californians put at the wayside to keep the status quo alive and to uphold policies built on racism. There is no better time than now to ensure that conversations around human rights and systemic inequities are more than just conversations. Creating a California Commission on Human Rights is an important first step toward implementing tangible solutions. We’re grateful for Majority Leader Reyes’s leadership on this issue.” -Christopher Sanchez, Western Center on Law & Poverty

AB 412 is a tool through which we can continue to ensure and advance the human rights of all Californians and will be reviewed in the State Senate.