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AB 1000 Approved by Assembly Natural Resources Committee

(SACRAMENTO) — Today the Assembly Natural Resources Committee approved AB 1000, the Good Neighbor Policy, which addresses the planning and construction of new logistics centers across California. The bill would permit local governments to approve construction of large warehouses and logistics centers of over 100,000 square feet when they are 1,000 feet from sensitive receptors such as schools, homes and daycares.

Inland Empire Women of Distinction Honored by Assembly Majority Leader Eloise Gómez Reyes

(Rancho Cucamonga)— On Thursday evening, Majority Leader Eloise Gómez Reyes (D-Colton) honored Women of Distinction from the 50th State Assembly District, which she represents. On March 20, local author Annette Chavez Macias was honored in Sacramento as Reyes’s Woman of the Year, recognizing Macias’s creative representation of Mexican American families in the Inland Empire.

Federal Housing Voucher Utilization Promoted in Bill by Assembly Majority Leader Reyes

(SACRAMENTO) — While affordable housing demand remains high, tens of thousands of federal housing choice vouchers are left unused each year. In order to increase use of these vouchers, Assembly Majority Leader Eloise Gómez Reyes has announced legislation, AB 653, which would create the Federal Housing Voucher Acceleration Program.

The program would:

Incorporating Feedback from Inland Empire Small Business Owners, Majority Leader Reyes Announces Bill to Increase Access to State Resources

(SACRAMENTO) — On February 27, Assembly Majority Leader Reyes issued a survey to small businesses across the Inland Empire and beyond, asking for feedback on their needs. Thanks to their feedback, Reyes is announcing new legislation, AB 258, which would create a state-administered small business portal. The portal would create a place for small business owners to search for opportunities such as technical assistance, grants, tax credits and incentives, and information on regulation compliance.

Girl Scouts Period Equity Act by Majority Leader Reyes Receives Unanimous Support, Passing out of Assembly Education Committee

(SACRAMENTO)— The Girl Scouts Period Equity Act, AB 230, passed out of the State Assembly Education Committee today, receiving unanimous support from the committee. Inland Empire Girl Scouts from Troop 76 proposed the bill to Assembly Majority Leader Eloise Gómez Reyes earlier this year. Reyes’s legislation expands on the Menstrual Equity for All Act of 2021 (Garcia), which created a requirement for public schools serving grades 6 through 12 to provide free menstrual products. AB 230 would also make these products available to public school students in grades 3 through 5.