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Press Releases

Assemblymembers Reyes and Carrillo Celebrate Signing of AB 98

(Sacramento, CA) — Today, Assemblymember Juan Carrillo (D-Palmdale) and Assemblymember Eloise Gomez Reyes (D-Colton) celebrated the passage of AB 98 the Planning Logistics and Neighborhood Standards Act (P.L.A.N.S). This legislation puts in place first of its kind standards to address the impacts of the logistics industry on sensitive receptors, locations which include schools, homes and daycare centers.

Funding to address Fruit Fly Infestation Celebrated by Assemblymember Reyes

(Sacramento, CA) — Earlier this week, Governor Gavin Newsom signed legislation reflecting an early action budget agreement. In addition to taking a major step forward in addressing the state’s budget short fall, this action provided $22.1 million to address fruit fly infestations across the state. On March 8th , Reyes and a bipartisan group of legislative colleagues submitted a letter highlighting the emergency need for this funding locally.

Protecting Citrus Industry from Invasive Pests Prioritized by Reyes Legislation

(Sacramento, CA) - Today Assemblymember Eloise Reyes (D-Colton) introduced AB 2827, establishing a statewide goal to manage the introduction and spread of the invasive species across California. This legislation was introduced in response to the California Department of Food and Agriculture’s (CDFA) quarantine announcement for the Redlands and Yucaipa areas of San Bernardino County due to impacts caused by the Oriental Fruit Fly.

Assemblymember Reyes Announces Update on Status of AB 1000

(Sacramento, CA) — Today, AB 1000 was pulled from its hearing in the Assembly Local Government Committee by Assemblymember Eloise Reyes. Under the direction of Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas, it was communicated that the policy will be reviewed and discussed in a stakeholder working group coordinated by Assemblymember Juan Carrillo, Chair of the Assembly Local Government Committee.

Assemblymember Reyes Responds to Amazon’s Leaked Community Engagement Plan

(San Bernardino County, California)— Today, Assemblymember Eloise Gómez Reyes (D-Colton) issued this statement regarding the leaked Amazon community engagement plan:

Today, I discovered my name mentioned multiple times in a leaked Amazon community engagement plan for Southern California. I wear it as a badge of honor for being recognized for standing up for both environmental justice and workers.

Outstanding Local Young Adult and Youth Leaders Honored by Assemblymember Eloise Gómez Reyes

(Redlands, California)— On Monday evening, Assemblymember Eloise Gómez Reyes (D-Colton) honored 30 leaders under the age of 30 at her annual event on the campus of Esri Learning Academy, hosted in the tradition of former Assemblywoman Wilmer “Amina” Carter. Each honoree lives, works or volunteers in the 50th California State Assembly District, which Reyes represents. This year, her office received over 100 nominations from across the district. Honorees’ achievements included dedication to public service, the arts, community service, entrepreneurship and more.  

Assembly Majority Leader Emerita Reyes Presents $3.2 Million Check to the City of Rancho Cucamonga

(RANCHO CUCAMONGA)— Today, Assembly Majority Leader Emerita Eloise Gómez Reyes presented a $3.2 million check to the City of Rancho Cucamonga for the construction of their 9/11 Memorial Park. The check represented state funding, obtained by Reyes, in this year’s state budget. Rancho Cucamonga City Council, as well as staff from the city and fire district, joined Reyes for the event.