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State Resources

The California Earned Income Tax Credit

California continues to offer an Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC);  cash-back credit that is designed to put money in the pockets of low-income working families and individuals. Claiming this credit is easy. Eligible taxpayers just need to file a state tax return.

Depending on your income, you could receive up to $3,027. If you qualify for the CalEITC and the amount of the credit is greater than the tax you owe, you will receive a refund.

Colegio Comunitario Gratuito

¿Sabías que puedes calificar para colegio comunitario gratuito en California? En esta página, encontrarás información sobre el Programa Promesa Universitaria de California y la Beca Promesa Universitaria de California, los cuales brindan colegiatura gratuita a los estudiantes elegibles.

Free Community College

Did you know that you may qualify for free community college in California? On this page, you will find information on the California College Promise Program and the California College Promise Grant - both of which provide eligible students with free tuition.

Rental Assistance for Tenants and Landlords

AB 832 will extend the existing eviction moratorium and rental assistance program to September 30, 2021, which will be the largest and most comprehensive rental assistance program in America. Under AB 832, landlords and tenants can receive 100% of back rent that is owed.

Additional steps will offer significantly stronger incentives for landlords to utilize these funds, as well as protections for tenants. Either a tenant or a landlord may initiate the process for rental assistance.

What the extension means for tenants and landlords: