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Apply for the Young Legislators Program

I am excited to announce the launch of the 2024 Assembly District 50 Young Legislators Program. This is the 7th year of providing the opportunity to our sophomores and juniors. We look forward to welcoming your students to the program.

The objective is to provide high school students with leadership development opportunities while they learn about state government services and the legislative process. This firsthand experience will give participants a better understanding of how representative government works, advise me on youth-related issues, and help them decide whether they would like to pursue a career in public service. It also gives students the opportunity to gain volunteer work experience and a letter of recommendation.

The Young Legislators Program consists of one monthly meeting for nine months and is designed for high school sophomores and juniors who reside in California’s 50th Assembly District. The program can, however, also accommodate seniors in some special cases. The program begins in April and culminates with a graduation ceremony and a trip to Sacramento in April of 2025. 

I want the program to reflect our diverse district; therefore, I request your assistance in promoting this unique program. An ideal candidate will have a positive attitude, creative spirit, the ability to work in a team-based setting, and demonstrate leadership potential. Applications are due Tuesday, April 30.

My Field Representative, Maria Brunner, will be coordinating the program. Feel free to contact her directly at (909)381-4100 or at with any program-related questions. I look forward to playing a role in the cultivation of our future professional leaders, and I am grateful for the support that you may provide in this endeavor.

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Student Contact Information
Applicant Info
Briefly explain your interest in the Young Legislator Program:
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature
Student Signature