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Assemblymember Reyes Statement on Repeal and Replace Healthcare Plan Passing the House

For immediate release:

Sacramento – The American Health Care Act, also widely known as TrumpCare, passed a vote in the House of representatives 217-213 this afternoon. Under this new assault on healthcare, an estimated 24 million Americans will lose coverage including large numbers of veterans, the elderly and those on fixed-incomes.

Assemblymember Eloise Gómez Reyes released the following statement after the U.S. House of representatives passed the AHCA:

“Working families will be forced to choose between buying healthcare or paying rent.  Millions of seniors and people with pre-existing conditions will suffer under the proposed Act.  For many who had been denied health coverage because of pre-existing conditions, the Affordable Care Act under President Obama had been a life changer and many received life saving treatment.

“Under the proposed Act, there will be over $800 Billion in Medicaid cuts, drastic increases in premiums for older consumers and we will return to the days when insurance companies can discriminate and charge more based on previous medical history. Besides the insurance companies, who else will benefit?  Unfortunately many in the 47th District will suffer if the Act is signed into law.”

“Our communities deserve to have representatives who will work to protect them rather than work to protect the interests of insurance companies.  Today marks a sad day -especially for those with pre-existing conditions and those who depended on the Affordable Care Act for much needed treatment and care.”

According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, the Meadows-MacArthur Amendment that was added to the AHCA “…does nothing to mitigate the AHCA’s coverage losses, $839 billion in Medicaid cuts, or large increases in premiums and out-of-pocket costs for moderate-income and older individual-market consumers. But it does give the Freedom Caucus what it has demanded from the beginning: elimination of key ACA protections for people with pre-existing health conditions.”

Assemblymember Eloise Gómez Reyes represents Assembly District 47 which includes the cities of Fontana, Rialto, Colton, Grand Terrace, San Bernardino and the unincorporated areas of Muscoy and Bloomington.


Contact: Galen Dobbins,, (916) 319-2047